Take a look at Bright Light Bright Light’s new video for his synth-pop fizzing single “Symmetry Of Two Hearts” as it’s full of all things yellow and is sure to have you in a happy place, because that’s what yellow does to does to people. Afterall, it is the sunniest colour in the spectrum.
This new collaboration with Elton John from Bright Light Bright Light’s third album “Choreography” is just steeped in joyful tones even though the lyricism is of a thoughtful and questioning nature when it falls to sounding out a potential love match.
At its root, it’s been well documented now that the inspiration behind the whole album and visual concepts lie with musicals and dance sequences in Rod’s favourite films from the 80’s. “Symmetry Of Two Hearts” is an idea that grew from Kim Cattralls’ dance sequence in Mannequin.
This new video however, relies less on footwork. Expressive hand gestures are extensively used as the visual form of communicator to reinforce the lyrical content.
“Symmetry Of Two Hearts” couldn’t be more 80’s if it tried, that intro alone is enough to have anyone caught out on the pretense that “Radio Ga Ga by Queen” is set sure to follow. Strangely enough or by some stroke of coincidence there was plenty of hand gesticulation going on in that iconic Queen video too.