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Listen to “Lost In You” by Billy Cullum

Billy Cullum comes from a place not many pop artists are known to reach over from (Musical Theatre). He’s got quite a lovely quirky streak running through his music which certainly perks up the ears. You’ll find all of this come through in the new single “Lost In You”.

Listen “Collide” by Vanbot

Embracing artistic development with a renewed vigour. Vanbot goes about edging away further from the fizzing pop offerings of yore, concentrating on experimentation and moving goalposts all whilst, still keeping the main essence of the music embroidered with an electronic pulse.

Listen to “Die For You” by Joel Adams

If you managed to dodge Joel Adams insanely catchy track "Please Don't Go" over the past 12 months, then you've probably been on some kind of prolonged social media detox. With follow-up single "Die For You" don't go expecting "Please Don't Go" part two. It's time to show-off a little of Joel's versatility.