It seems like those who gain a lot of traction in the pop world begin by cutting their teeth in pop groups. Beyoncé, Justin Timberlake, even our beloved Ser...
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. A nuclear explosion of dance followed by a mushroom cloud of avant guarde styling ha...
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May was a pretty awesome month for pop music. We had the annual Eurovision Song Contest that featured some of t...
It’s official, Rilan is here to mark the new pop revolution. We all know that everyone here at EQ loves one thing and one thing only, bright and shiny new pop! ...
About 2 years ago, I was turned on to an awesome little ‘Art Funk’ outfit out of New York City by the name of Japan Soul (Thank you Sy of Naked Highway!). Now, ...
Who knew that leaving the family behind would be the best thing for one’s creative direction?
Ever since Nick Jonas went solo, he is just a hit-making po...
Serena is our US eyes and ears in the entertainment capital of the world - Las Vegas. At an early age she caught the pop music bug and fell hard when she received her first album: Michael Jackson’s "Dangerous". In high school, Serena was an avid reader of EQ Music Blog by using it as an escape from typical, Midwestern music. In 2012, inspired by the hopeful messages of pop music; she would fall into the musical journalism realm. Serena joined the EQ Music Blog team in 2015. Her ultimate goal is to give back to pop music for the gifts it gave her. When not hunting down fantastic new artists to be featured on EQ Music, she can be found studying communications at Nevada State College.