I can vividly remember being introduced to the music of Robert DeLong for the first time through the single “Global Concepts,” and how it stirred up a great feeling of fascination inside me. It’s a fascination which over time has only grown bigger, as Robert continues to creatively, flip electronics and pop into a style more pleasingly often than not of his own making. I’ve never doubted my devotion to Robert’s music. Although I did become worried for a bit by the recent arrival of “My Favorite Color Is Blue” with K. Flay, as I really, couldn’t get into the almost eerie techno rave vibe of the song. I’m much more at peace, and happy with the follow-up release “Revolutionary.” It suits my kind of prefered taste in electronic-pop, rather than the shed-load of future “R’n’B toned efforts which the genre is seriously drowning in.
You need to listen to the lyrics of this song since the tech god of electronic wizardry is taking a swipe (albeit tongue-in-cheek) at how technology plays a big part in our lives and it isn’t always for the greater good. I’m sure I don’t have to spell it out, everything we share online is under some level of scrutiny, in somebody else’s opinion. It’s just a fact of life that it happens, and of course, there is this fakery, deception which exists that we have to be acutely, mindful of at all times. It is a minefield, isn’t it?
We can really tell Robert has a wealth of recording under his belt, the production on this track is far superior, to his much loved early works. If I’m being truthfully honest, I do kinda miss the edgy as fuck raw spirit he first came out with though. Perhaps, it is on this occasion the boundary-pushing is manifesting through the razor-sharp lyrics instead. Whatever! Robert DeLong’s inimitable approach to indie dance is one which I am unequivocally here for. I won’t be able to say, I can die happy until I get myself to one of his shows. That’s how much his music means to me.
Connect with Robert DeLong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeLongMusic/
Twitter: @DeLongMusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robertdelong/