The show stopping vocals of Ben Hazlewood were first brought to our attention by way of the hugely impressing track “Wanted” last year. To say that we were shook by the erupting power of all that came tumbling out building upon the emotion of that song, is somewhat of an understatement because we felt every drop of sensation and sentiment of it enough to chill our bones into pricking up goosebumps. Whilst, near way showcasing a vocal, hitting Adam Lambert heights.
To engage with such raw emotion, there has to be a strong narrative acting like glue, holding the quality singer-songwriter vibe together and at first listen we knew this to be true of Ben Hazlewood. We feel everything of what goes into his songs. What is more, Ben isn’t any way afraid to commit to tackling deep emotional issues, as song subjects.
For the latest offering “Drive On”, Ben revisits a dramatic situation that was sadly the real-life experience of one of his friends. That of being locked in an abusive relationship and not seeing your way out of it, until something way too awful boils over and the urge to run is the only answer. Perhaps it always was, but there comes that point when there’s no talking yourself out of it anymore.
“Drive On” is a song of gutsy, courage. Bar none. Which we are once again made so aware of through Ben’s statement making, epic performance.
The supporting video, engagingly portrays the story playing out in this song to maximum effect. It will at first have you biting your lip, to shouting out aloud and clawing your finger nails into your seat by the time this intense visual has run its course with hard-hitting images that will become etched in the mind. And a song moreover that is the embodiment of bold.
Ben Hazlewoood sure does know how to make a song, into something that is more than just a song.