The whole phenomena of the boy band went through a dry spell after One Direction went their separate ways. For a couple or more years at least, the concept has dropped out of favour. It’s a bit of a shame really because it has meant male vocal harmonizers have been in short supply. I kinda miss that about today’s music and new bands in general. New Zealanders Drax Project comes to the rescue feeding my thirst for, man candy who can sing and play like cherubs and also provide me with the quota of swoonful harmonies I feel I have been deprived of. The band are quite the sensation in the countries down under, where they’ve supported Lorde, Camilla Cabello and Ed Sheeran. Their track “Woke Up Late” won Single of the Year at the 2018 Vodafone New Zealand Music Awards. If any time seems like a good time to give the song a reboot and launch it worldwide, it is now at the beginning of a new year. Inviting Hailee Steinfeld to provide some guest vocals, will greatly help with the band’s aim of branching out globally so that this plan works like a charm.
The original edit of the track has a lovely pop, slick R’n’B vibe, but even though it has an incredibly catchy melody and silky smooth vocals to its merit. The cut does feel as though it deserved some extra additions because it oozes much bigger potential. Hailee Steinfeld’s arrival on the track is good for starters and she does brighten the song up dynamically. I like the reboot very much. (When have I ever said this before) I’d still like a big clubtastic remix of this new version of the track to happen. Why? Well, I feel like the new version would prompt me to get my dance moves on, but I really wouldn’t be in my comfort zone unless help comes in the way of some bigger beats to boost my self-confidence. I know then I wouldn’t care two hoots about the scary, big shapes I’d undoubtedly make on the dance floor. I sure as hell, would be having the best fun though. That to me is the point of this song.
Drax Project says of the song
“Woke Up Late” is about wrapping your head around the adventure of the night before and ultimately deciding that you’re cool with it.”
Connect with Drax Project
Twitter: @DraxProject
Connect with Hailee Steinfeld
Twitter: @HaileeSteinfeld