I recently discovered a promising pop artist called Lunar June. And subsequently featured her here on the blog as an emerging talent. Well, it is time to get an update. She has just released a brand new track called “Heart Scream Summer,” and it is blowing me away. As you may recall, Lunar June (real name Olivia Judd) dropped her debut EP “jaded/faded,” earlier this year and yet she is already looking towards the future. Once again, she is collaborating with Luke Marsden, a recording engineer and music producer, who helped bring her debut music to life. To recap. The debut body of work focused on emotions and relationship topics associated with coming of age. The electro-pop leaning soundtrack was pure sonic bliss. I definitely advise exploring (HERE) – if you have not checked it already.

For Lunar June – the work has already started taking things up a notch. With the arrival of “Heart Scream Summer” the timing couldn’t be more perfect. This song is particularly synth-heavy, with an upbeat melody. Yet, still gives off those sad girl summer vibes, for those that need them when enjoying these last few days/weeks of summertime.

Delving into the lyrical narrative, she says… “it is about drowning in the rising tides of adulthood and struggling to accept yourself. It’s about running from those little monsters inside of us when really, what we need most is to turn to them and dance with them

Listen on Apple Music

I really love the music style used in “Heart Scream Summer“. It’s suitably buzzy and frenetic, which is just the thing sad girls need to let out all of these angsty feelings that they have been holding in. There is something about the beat and the way the lyrics are delivered, especially that makes me feel alive and energized. I could listen to this all day!

Will there be more music coming soon? In an interview with publication – Haste Magazine. Lunar mentioned she has finished writing her second EP and plans to release more singles throughout the year. “The tracks on the second EP are truly my favourite things I’ve ever created and I am so excited for people to hear it!

Having immensely enjoyed “Heart Scream Summer“, I am even more excited for Lunar June’s new music. Fact!

Connect with Lunar June
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamlunarjune
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamlunarjune
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamlunarjune/