
Hey EQs. Just a little note on this fine Easter Sunday to let you all know that the EQ Facebook Group has officially been launched yesterday! And now I know where you all are spending your free time at you interweb fiends! It’s on Facebook!

So if you haven’t joined the EQ Facebook Group – make sure you do so right here, right now.

We’ll be running our Bulletin Boards/Discussion Topics there from now on and any CD/mp3 Giveaways, swag and competitions will be done through the Facebook Group now, so make sure you run over there right now and say hello to the 60 some odd EQs (and growing) who joined within the last 24 hours! Post your pics, upload your videos and start talking about all things EQ! Invite all your friends to join as well!

Your resident Fairy Blog Mother (Raj ) is off to Bournemouth tonight to see Booty Luv and Sergey shake their thangs and perform at CIRCUS…yes, I’m uber excited!