Photo: by Nikka Lorak
It didn’t take long, more of an instant thing in becoming a fan of April Towers. Since it appears to me at least, that since I became aware of them that the Nottingham duo have the recipe for success in the bag and they’ve a supply of crisply gleaming, invigorating electronic pop waiting in the wings to be appreciated by the masses.
Up until now Charlie and Alex have led their indie tronic synth-pop crusade on a D-I-Y budget, but now LAB Records have astutely inked the duo and everything now has the power behind it to go so much bigger.
This is great news, infact this is the awesomest, as I have long felt that I have wanted to see my slew of festival press releases roll in with April Towers names emblazoned upon them. It really has come to the point where these guys should be out there entertaining live crowds, to the festival sized capacity. Much as their imposing 80’s super-sized, synth-pop wall of sound dictates.
Afterall, April Towers signature sound is alluringly melodic and methodically bears no different on current single “Silent Fever”. Imagine if Hurts were a happy band, instead of their sobering princely dark enveloping moodiness, you might find that they’d score a kinship to the almost euphoric heights of what April Towers readily give out.
If you like, I have been a forever fan of the music, but not so much the video efforts. That was until now.
The vast expanse of landscape shown on this clip really does in some way equate to the expansive stature of which April Towers embrace in cinematically engulfed sound.
April Towers are still very much on the cusp as far as I’m concerned, but it appears to have reached the tipping now. I am more than bubbling up in excitement for the boys and am suitably buckled in for the ride of where it takes them next!