My face lit up with a great big smile when John Emil wrote in to share his latest song “Rewind Replay” with us. It really was a pleasant surprise to hit play on a mega-catchy bop. The Swedish pop singer-songwriter honed his skills in writing and production after setting up his own, studio. Since then he’s been productively turning out good melodic tunes and building up play streams online.
To begin with, I was naturally intrigued because John is a Swedish artist and that in itself, is usually a good pointer that I am going to enjoy the music. As I settled myself into my first play of “Rewind Replay” it wasn’t the tuneful music that grabbed my attention most, it was the penmanship of the lyrics. The words have a quirky honesty about them, which I find appealing to me. The song took me right back to when I was first, introduced to the Eric Saade track “Manboy“, because of it’s massive pop hooks and similar cute style of lyricism. It had me listening in, hard and glowing with every word.
What is most pleasing about this song, is how it translates the concept of what ‘beauty’ is. Not, just a pretty face that’s painted in make-up, it’s what lies beneath, the personality, warmth and quirky, ways that make us who we are. The premise of, John Emil’s latest song is built, around this theme of beauty, acceptance and societies perception of. In the music video, we see the young lady John makes reference to in the song. She’s glamming herself up as the singer, sings these words “Your lips are stunning, without the lipstick, upon them. Your smile is dazzling, even though you don’t even trying. You were perfect before but when I saw your flaws I just loved you more.”
As we watch her scrolling through her phone, we are lead to assume she’s looking for likes and loves on her social media as a way of feeling accepted. The truth is, she’s already caught the eye of someone who sees’s her for who she is. “Rewind Replay” cannot be greater, in my estimation and neither, can John Emil. Songs like “Rewind Replay” deserve a record deal.
Connect with John Emil
Twitter: @thisisjohnemil