Since our Raj became an instant fan boy of Asian cyber pop trio Perfume after getting in on their recent visually spectacular showcase at SXSW, the techno-pop outfit in question have bestowed a new futuristically-centric creation onto the internet by way of their signature emblazoned electronic K-pop concoction “Pick Me Up”.
So it is the language of visuals which speaks louder than our knowledge of Japanese lyrics here but what we can openly appreciate from this technicolour extravaganza is that it carries through with the exact sense of exuberance and sparkle that pretty much embodies everything that Perfume are renownly celebrated of.
This video concept is more than meets the eye at first glance. As I understand it, this super modernistic visual serves also as a promo for a department store whereby the cuties are seen to be modelling a wardrobe culminated from a collection of emerging Japanese designers.
But before the retro-futuristic trio are teleported from the pavement up into the store, yes that really is American rock band and video choreographisized extraordinaires OK Go in place as the shop window mannequins, starring in an return of favour appearance that came about as a result of Perfume’s cameo placement in the band’s video for “I Won’t Let You Down”.
I don’t know about you but I just find this all the more awesome that Perfume are one such girl band continuing to go from strength to strength after years pop service together. It struck me again only the other day that British girl bands are noticeably steeply on the decline, so Little Mix best be ready to capitalise on this damn soon!
Lastly I hopes that Raj’s serious fan boy stalking of Perfume made him aware of this mashup from Oxy in Japan of Parralox X Perfume, I quite clearly remember it from back in the day. When I saw that he’d come away from his SXSW experience enlightened by the ladies of Perfume I absolutely went back into the internet and dug this up, to affirm my suspicions that the Perfume band he was newly taken with was the one and the same.