Antipodean duo Divine Knights explore betrayal, passion and renewal on “Let’s Get Started” the final release to be lifted off their synth-mazing “Popaganda” EP.
The electro-headed twosome are back behind the keys applying rumbling sonic tones forming an electronic cloud burst of melancholy stirred up from an underbelly of forlorn circumstance. In this case, the situation stems from the torment emanating off of a fractious relationship which is in the throes of being given a second wind of chance. Looking to being that bigger person, admitting our mistakes and going forward.
Divine Knighted one’s Gerard and Beef further bring on the drama using their signature style of fashion-art stage gear with sequenced pulsing light fx’s added into the visual mix.
“Let’s Get Started” is both strong and slightly menacing of presence, ultimately giving Divine Knights the best release of their “Popaganda” EP campaign.