The follow up video to their last single “Omen” ft. Sam Smith completing the trilogy that started with their first single, “Holding On”. The boys of Disclosure take you on a very high impact journey through what could only be equated to the greatest spy films of the modern era.
Through the futuristic city, the lead woman, Mariella seems to hold a bit of a secret which the law enforcement would like to get their hands on. As they follow her tracks in the first two videos, it comes to a culmination as they finally get her into the interrogation room to find out what she really is.
The most stunning part about the single is a lack of guest vocals. This time around we have been treated to lead vocals by Disclosure’s own Howard Lawrence. The vocals come off almost a pinch soulful; they blend so seamlessly into the melody that you’re able to capture the anger in Howard’s voice as he questions why she has to lie. In comparison to their debut album, the Lawrence boys are showing a more rich production and it’s evident since their explosive entrance on the scene that they have grown with a much more rich production but have yet to reach their climax. We’ll just have to see what happens in the sequel when the album drops 25 September.