Long time collaborators Norwegian singer/songwriter Kate Havnevik and producer Guy Sigsworth come through with “Emperor Of Nowhere”, a darkly engaging production which acts to heads up the upcoming 2015 release of Kate’s third studio album “&I”.
The results of Kate’s and Guy’s collaboration retain their vividly orchestrated artistic vision bathed in the electronic grandeur of compelling and boldly dynamic synth melodies, whilst noting that Kate’s vocal does bring on a particular similarity to that of one of Guy’s other main collaborators Imogen Heap.
The corresponding visual on this primely invested piece of electronica builds Kate into a Björk like faceted stop motion canvas consisting of the Insuk Han and Kunico Maeda background imagery being reflected in Kate’s, Marion Corbett body painted form.
It’s rather like taking the whole idea forward from the painting on the wall whose eyes appear to follow you around a room, in that this artwork has truly come to life with Kate taking up position, as it’s main eerie visual subject.
The way in which Kate is morphed in decoration almost appears skeletal, enough so to put the frighteners up us tentatively for this All Hallows.