Taking a look at the blog. I’ve noticed something a miss. Have you guessed what this is? It’s that I haven’t posted about any new music from Denmark so far this month. Iam always getting nudges about nice music from Denmark though. Out this last new music Friday, Copenhagen visionary artist and songwriter Springer (Jakob Emil Pedersen), with vocalist collaborator/rapper Young Smash OTP has shared “Club“. A pop song with an anti-pop message.
On this retro-imbued song, Springer remembers the sounds of the 90s by using a healthy dose of synths and is super heavy on the bass guitar strums. (I think Springer’s fondness of chugging bass guitar licks, likeliest stems from his former pop life as part of a Danish punk band). This Danish twosome takes their electric music making to the bridge and some on this effervescent anthem. A liberal dash of euro-pop flavour completes the music mix.
In this song, Springer tackles detaching yourself from the anxiety of adaptation. “Why would you drink natural wines if you dig bubbly energy drinks? Go to a party to say you were there if you just wanna stay in and be alone? Why say yes, if you wanna say no?” The debrief comes from the press release.
Listening to the lyrics of this track, it is transparent, in his switch over to pop, Springer’s not dulled down any of his punk attitudes. He places a high priority on lyrical narratives that convey important social messages. “Club” doesn’t only take inspiration from older 90s music styles. Danish rapper, Young Smash OTP, tags along on the track, adding a touch of modern sensibility with his bursts of spoken word.
I am of the impression self-expression is paramount for Springer. This is the vibe I am picking up from the music video. Moreover, I feel this in the song also. My opinion of the track is, it has the tendency to become a bit McFly in places. I am finding the fluorescent synths a bright and jolly addition, however.
Connect with Springer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SPRINGERSPRINGERSPRINGER/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/springerspringerspringer/
Connect with Young Smash OTP
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YoungSmashOnThePhone/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gaius2222/