What do we know of music from Finland? I’ll answer for us collectively….. probably not enough!
For a country that borders Sweden and Russia, both known hotbeds of electronic pop enormity, then surely this Scandinavian neighbour must be host to more than a few hidden artistic gems we’ve yet to discover?
I’ve already given us a head start on the Finnish trail of pop by way of highlighting the rather good emerging artist Venior but no sooner had my feature hit the web I had word on another of Finland’s rising stars making it’s way into my inbox.
Making in-roads into the EDM club sound after first starting out as a rock musician. Multifaceted artiste Karel Ullner is very much into the re-invention of his music career, and let’s face it Karel is no way the foremost pop artiste to enter into a new genre like this.
Being a pop chameleon has it’s advantages of adding longevity to one’s career doesn’t it? just think of all the greatest creative artistes of the modern age who have gone the distance mostly down to their fearlessness of transcending music boundaries.
Karel Ullner isn’t shy to be embracing dance-pop, infact the Scandinavian genes don’t make him too shy in revealing quite a lot of himself on his upcoming UK single release “Closer To My Body“.
While the title of the track leaves little to the imagination in considering what the duly upbeat song itself might be all about, the video also acts as a tantalizing glimpse of uninhibited release. All meaning there is some degree of nekkidness that plays “Closer To My Body” out.
Maybe this might not be the most brilliant euro-pop banger you’ve ever heard, but it is showing some credible degree of promise that a switch in sound was a good move to take, on Karel’s part.
However, for imaginations that run wild, least said about the lingering closing shot the better!