The inimitable vocal candor of Christian Burns has been off our radar for far too long! And he really has seen himself through as a vocalist that all the powerhouse producers fawn over to guest as a vocal lead on their tracks n’all.
Yet aside from the collaborations with the topflight recognised names in production, Christian also leaps onboard with the not so familiar to all.
To be fair the area of Trance in electronic pop circles is mostly unimaginative and irreverently stuck in a place that just has not evolved like most fields of electronica have become. Yet in his collaboration with renowned Italian production artist Giuseppe Ottaviani Christian can add that certain element that brings about a polished performance piece blossoming into a thoughtfully endearing body of song with staying power.
Utilizing emotive lyricism and expanding this to achieve a vocally expressive input that is giving of its fullest, most beguiling level. Fulfills an atmospherically lead story of intoxicating love of the kind that never dies, but is only awakened a little when triggered by the floodgates of memory recall.
“Brightheart” can be looked upon as being shaped in the same effectively dreamy way that Robert Miles “Children” set the bar with back in the late 90’s. Only now via this renaissance styled effort between Giuseppe and Christian it continues to carry it’s worth to be productively of creative thinking and equally defined as alluring electronica as it ever did.