Take two in, introducing The Pierces forthcoming album “Creation”
In the first vignette from the sisters, we tripped the synth fantastic on the folktronica leaning “Kings”, second glimpse in on the title track and we’re handclapping for all we’re worth.
Repealing from the offset in the mystical intonation of a sacred mantra, “Believe In Me” soon models its way into a musical kaleidoscope that’s tumbling in day-dreamy confetti shapes in throwback a little to the girls of Haim.
Hey, after the first psychedelically trippy video ride out on “Kings“, we’re also numbers in for queuing up on a second magic carpet ride out of the same hallucinogenically mind-expanding imagery on “Believe In Me”, we’re no way cold stoned on it yet. EQHQ has an order out with Interflora, so that we can all crown ourselves in daisy chains and contentedly sway our day-to-day hipster lives away to endless plays of The Pierces auditory enchancing Alabama grown sunshine.