Somebody please – sign this kid right. fucking. now.
I'd like to introduce you to Joel Dobbins. I've been listening to his album "Investment" for about a week now and it's one of those albums that you weren't expecting to be good, but quite surprisingly, it's beyond brilliant.
Take a listen to key tracks like "Tears Of Joy", "Origami" , "Does Heaven Have A Flag" and "Life On Paper" and you'll be asking yourself "Why haven't I heard of Joel Dobbins before?"
In his bio, he said that he also recorded this album in like two weeks. What? Are you kidding? Kid – that's talent. You can't bottle that. He's like a new Casey Stratton. He's got the X-Factor and then some.
So if you're a major label that's looking for something fresh. Check out Joel Dobbins on Myspace now.
I'm sure you'll be just as blown away like I was…