I'm so so sick of everyone trying to compare themselves to Lady Gaga these days. Geesh, even September is claiming that Lady Gaga stole her style and now Sony has went and signed this new singer Alayna Slater and the first press release to come out blazes "SONY DISCOVERS UK LADY GAGA". Alayna reminds me more of a Katy Perry meets Gwen Stefani if you ask me…
BUT – don't think this is a slag off blog at all. I quite like Alayna's new song "Smacked" – it's punky, poppy, fresh and a dance floor styled booty shaking anthem. It's just not Lady Gaga and should never be classified as such.
Alayna's music is off to a great start (listen to "Fat Kid" too – it's better than "Smaked" in my opinion) let's just not lose sight of that and recognize there is a great new pop artist on the scene that deserves a bit of attention…