Electroqueer is saddened by the news that Swedish disco superstars Alcazar are taking a break from spreading their disco triumph around the globe to pursue solo careers. We absolutely adore the foursome since they released their super-smash ‘Crying At The Discoteque’ a few years ago.
We are begging you Alcazar – PLEASE DON’T GO!!
Here are some Alcazar goodies for you in your remembrance plea and if you are discovering them for yourself for the very first time, enjoy the disco fest!
Website Link : Alcazar’s Castle Of Disco
Video: Crying At The Discoteque – LIVE
Video: Menage A Trois
Recommended Alacazar Downloads:
Crying At The Discoteque : You probably already own this if you read Electroqueer. If you don’t…then talk to the hand! LOL.
Menage A Trois : This song and video came out when Andreas’ boyfriend Magnus joined the group! See above. Electroqueer drove his flatmate crazy by playing this song non-stop for a week!
Dancefloor Docusoap : The lyrics to this song make us laugh everytime – it’s so uber fabulous.
I Go Shopping : Cute disco danceup about your boyfriend dumping you and then you go on a mad shopping spree on his credit cards. Haven’t we all dreamed about this at some point?!
Don’t You Want Me : Yes, this is a cover of the Human League classic – the remixes of the Alcazar version are brilliant.
Love Life : We have a giggle everytime Tess goes into her Swedish rap bit. It’s not even a rap – it’s just her talking about how she enjoys a couple of beers and a glass of chardonnay! The Pet Shop Boys had something to do with this song too I believe. The ‘Darkroom Fantasy’ Remix of this song is HOT.
Here I Am : One of the only Alcazar ballads made. Andreas’ vocals shine on this heart-wrenching dark ballad.