Do we see some serious contenders here for the newest major girl band?
First impressions from Neon Jungle are decidingly promising.
Colour us a picture of 17 years ago when 5 spunky wannabe personalities bonded together and became a global pop phenomenon, championing female empowerment through their kick ass attitude and vivacious pop candour.
We’ve waited almost two decades down the line for a new plucky girl band to jump to it and give us what we really, really want at somewhere near the same level and hurrah Neon Jungle appear to have similar bite and verve about them.
Showing out their radical pop vision Shereen, Asami, Jess and Amira, raise the bar with debut spiky anthem “Trouble”. Penned and produced by CockNBullkid and Fear Of Tigers respectively, It’s a hella lot of riotous fun that’s packed into a mere 2 ½ minute explosive soundbyte.
The mischievous minxes are well and truly unleashed, let’s watch them go hard in the video – trashing it, smashing it and sounding out their rebellious energy with maximum impact.