All eyes have been firmly set on Years & Years over the past year, but even more so since the trio ruled triumphant as the winners of the BBC Sound of 2015 poll at the beginning of the year.
Quite honestly Years & Years dreamy soul-infused dance numbers have stood to entice new listeners in with each single drop. They are unfussy, uncomplicated and quite what stands out from the deep rooted electronic melody is Olly Alexander’s commanding soulfully captured vocal.
Years & Years really have proved themselves the kings of consistency, as lots more of the above and what we’ve come to know and love about Years & Years are interpreted into the veneer of newest announced single “Shine”.
From what we’ve heard of Olly and Co thus far, all points to upcoming album “Communion” as being one with a generated purposeful flow of electronic energy and which looks intent to sweep up a further legion of new listeners, just like we very much were when we bagged ourselves a hot ticket to one of Years & Years SXSW showcases.