All that we’ve heard from Ekkoes thus, far has been locked in steadfastly towards the upbeat direction but even the hardiest of 80’s retro-gravitated sounding bands such as Ekkoes are keen to brand themselves, are at liberty to seek a touch of diversity into their signature mix.
Come on, all the greats have at least a ballad or two which help to form a bigger profile picture of themselves as artists. Ballads do not only offer a differentiation in a play or set list, but moreover, can be the glimpse at the true artists behind the entertaining curtain of razzamatazz.
As such when Ekkoes go in on electro-pop ballad “It Goes On”, it flows lucidly with a sonic steeped current which gracefully plucks the air with a dreamily cinematic like atmosphere. Of, Jon Beck’s vocals, they breathe evermore noticeably with a Neil Tennant lilt, infact, the track complete, melodically sways into Pet Shop Boys territory.
As its pop ballad status dictates “It Goes On” follows through connected of a more serious demeanor to put to best use the lyrically potent content, which is mindful of when we hit upon life’s dark times, with a little focus the light will find its way back to us.
Like when the hustle and bustle of daily life just continues apace but you know in your own mind, seeking the sanctuary of space to breathe and a little you time is all you need to see you right back on track.
This goes some way of explaining the visualizer to this, since it’s chosen imagery of swirling waves, cloud formations and naturally occurring phenomena project very restful and self-healing images, but it also acts to remind that sometimes if we just step back the beauty that is right under our noses and largely goes un-noticed springs forward to bring clarity and focus out into the open.
I think you’ll find everything about this song just breathes a sense of calm which ultimately has the capacity to sweep you up in its inescapable path of overwhelming aural pleasure.