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There used to be a time when we looked favourably upon the highly provocative compositions of pop upstart Lily Allen, but where did it go so wrong? Indeed we were rather keen on Lily cutting her teeth into topics and her nonchalant rebellious delivery was one we applauded into, as she provided spunk and gutsiness and girl power. Alas the formula went off piste somewhat on her last project “Sheezus” and probably the less said about that the better.

Why all this talk about Lily? Well there something of a similarity in sound and music attitude from rising Australian artist Jess Kent that marks her out as one to keep our eyes on. Not least because of the added prestige that Adelaide youngster Jess has been gaining as a result of coming out on top as the radio station, Triple J Unearthed competition winner.

Jess’s freestyling hip-pop debut “Get Down” is a loaded pop gun of lyrical teenage rebellion, running wild and not giving a fuck to the consequences. It’s about living in the moment and having fun with it. Does this sound rather like the life mantra of another emerging pop artiste that we’re currently, expectantly holding out for an album drop from?….. Elliphant per chance? Why yes, these two burgeoning pop chics certainly share some traits and Jess has actually just supported Elliphant on two of her recent Australian dates, so the sisterhood between these two is now in effect.

It’s not hard to see why it’s getting Jess noticed when you listen to “Get Down” and allow its rambunctious catchiness take hold.

Don’t keep me waiting for more already Mz Kent, as it has to be said, I’m kinda smitten at first listen.