When you’re a young emerging artist it is easy to fall prey of jumping on the latest hot trend in an attempt to get the ball rolling on your music style profile, and for those that do so might well find that this ideology pulls in a reasonable level of interest. For those though, that dare to cut loose from artistic conformity, the dividend return is of a much higher proportion by rote.
Nevertheless, what prevails at first instance is engagement to the melody, if it hangs with you, you are caught under its spell.
This is all true of London, future soul-pop artist Raheem Bakaré who lends his urban earthy, falsetto decorated vocals to neo-electronic strewn arrangements which concentrate on tapping into future beats and bringing to fruition a fresh, revitalized approach made of self-assured, forward thinking attitude.
Raheem never shy’s away from packing in a full showcase of his many artistic strengths. Sleek vocals with a hint at times of Paisley Park Prince ambience peeking through, he’s got them. Acing it at quick delivered word play, he’s on it. Highlighting his effortless vocal climbs to falsetto range, he’s excelling at. And he’s flaunting all skills to satiny perfection on new release “Forever You”.
The cut of electronic delivery particularly offers a glistening projection of experimentally leaning flavour, one which is as zen’d out on its gorgeous late night vibes as it is intoxicating.
Raheem Bakaré may still be seen as establishing himself on the urban pop scene but there is much to indicate here that he is an A game contender to achieve a higher rung of acclaim for his faultless experimental inclination alone.