
As the zodiac forces are prepping to astrologically align under the star sign of Gemini, it seems only fitting to be raising the profile of an up-and-coming new artiste who has adopted the same artist name.

We reconvene now with Thomas Slinger aka Gemini who recently snuck out a totally tunetastic single by way of the dynamic and euphorically flourishing “Time To Share” in support of his forthcoming album “Wanderlust”.

As I have previously mentioned, an outpouring of self-discovery and artistic re-evaluation has gone into the making of this debut album. In Gemini’s own eyes it’s been a real pivotal journey to find a true place in sound ripe for incorporating elements of pop into his electronic based, melting pot of creativity. Like we all might go out for a walk to clear our minds of clutter and daily stresses Gemini did it bigger, he embarked on a 98,739 mile globetrot around the world to figure it all out.

The results are now in for the follow-up release “Do It For Love” which like its predecessor channels in cultural influence into the breadth of the sonically imbued soundscape.

A place where lilting guitars, orchestral strings and electronic heavy underpinning come together under an artistic umbrella of world orientated ideals, all with Slinger’s charismatically emotive vocals at the helm of it.

The best of both, pop and electronic music strengths collide in an impeccable alignment of gently uplifting cinematic gravitated melody.

A full album stuffed to the gills of this stuff, looks sure to make for an enterprising and earnestly diversified listening experience when it arrives with us later this year.

Which if timed right might just come in as welcome break from the expected onslaught of summer anthem’s now headed our way. Because, as much as I am a fan of the bold as you like anthem, there is a tipping point, like with all things when it’s time to shake it up a bit.

Gemini’s innovative streak, whilst offering up a euphoric release is clearly above all that.