Let’s waste no time in getting to know the New York alternative electro-pop artist known as Stalking Gia, as she’s widely becoming associated with anthemically pulsating electronic pop offerings since coming through with her stunning debut “War Paint” late last year.
Follow-up release “Born Free” comes in just as engaging although, slightly more chilled in the main with a soundscape traced of increasing glacial epicness. It slowly but surely blooms in opulence whilst spreading its outreaching narrative concerned of promoting peace and championing self expression.
I think what is interesting to note here is a vocal similarity between Stalking Gia and that of eclectic pop gypsy Neon Hitch, it’s something in the underlying tone that picks up on the similarly bohemian piqued vibes.
Whichever way look at it “Born Free” is justifiably engaging in that it oscillates between an almost mystically giving presence only to rise up in a crescendo of spellbinding alt-pop euphoria.
When served with this eclectic graphic art animated lyric video, it acts to project the whole narrative’s message with unreserved clarity.