Louisa Rose Allen AKA Foxes gave us some simply divine pop during last year’s “Glorious” album campaign. Although, it could been seen as it was also quite a travesty that perhaps she didn’t quite score the monster hit she was so deserving of in her own right. Slightly skewed on balance, she did earn a coveted guest role on DR WHO, so the wide eyed pop starlet certainly gained space age points for accruing mass media presence. Even more so in recent days she can now also boast the tag of Guinness World Record Holder for performing the most live gigs in a day – 7 in all scattered in towns and cities on the South Coast of the UK in aid of the cancer charity Trekstock.
This latest worthy publicity stunt, of course provided the perfect platform for the singer-songwriter to showcase a little glimpse into the new material she is working on, in going forward to the upcoming sophomore album release.
Kind of expectedly after this latest feat an unofficial leak of the disco pop dazzling new track “Body Talk” made it’s way online. Thankfully though we haven’t had long to wait for an official issue to happen!
Foxes is throwing out a lot of glitter bombs onto the dancefloor here, as “Body Talk” explores the disco pop scene from its most 80’s height of neon brite roller-discoing in motion.
I feel comfortable in my assumptions that “Body Talk” should score Foxes a reasonable hit, not a miss or a flop or a big roller-disco sized topple over onto her buttocks. No definitely NOT that!