Acclaimed pop singer, songwriter Bonnie McKee seemed to slip off our radar for a while, but she’s firmly back on our hot list with sparkling new effort “Mad Mad World.” The Britney and Katy Perry hitmaker turned solo artist, forges ahead making pop songs which speak with a social conscience. While never losing sight of great, use of melody and a catchy rhythm as the preferred style, in which she proudly claims as her own. She’s just tied up a tour supporting Kygo, so it has been an opportune moment to get new music out. And is very much, a start the ball rolling, kind of scenario, having been told there is more, to follow in the coming months.
According to Bonnie, “the underlying message of the song is that today more than ever, people need to come together, pay attention to what’s happening around the world, stand up against hate and make their voices heard.” You don’t really, need me to tell you. We live in times when we only have to switch our TV’s on for a minute, scroll through social media timelines, turn the radio on or read a daily newspaper to know the grim reality of the medias headline coverage is spent highlighting conflicts and despicable behaviour among us humans. The beauty of music is, with a cheery beat even the most poignant and heartfelt topics, can be uplifted with an inspiring, burst of melodic energy behind it. It is exactly, this style of thinking and message, which Bonnie has set out to deliver with “Mad Mad World.”
Following an electrifying synth-pop sound template, Bonnie sings about the negative, effects these kinds of world issues have on our mental health well-being. Essentially she’s pining, for a digital detox and a little detachment from some of the dreadful events which occur and are reported, by media sources every day. But, as a fair proportion of us can attest, Bonnie and myself included it’s not so easy when most people live by the pings of their smartphones. With this song, Bonnie is riding a great buzz and the summery style it’s moulded by is sure to have seen you, pack a suitcase by the time it’s finished. Or at the very least looking to book a last-minute holiday.
Connect with Bonnie McKee
Twitter: @BonnieMcKee