Dipping into our pool of emerging artist talent, Russell Dean Stone first came to our attention last year when engaging us with his sonically androgynous and sprawling call to arms debut “I Don’t Need You”.
The goth pop figure returns warming up to the release of his forthcoming Dimitri Tikovoi (Charli XCX, Placebo) produced debut EP with the Dreamtrak produced (Queen Of Hearts, Swim Deep, Teeth) “Keeping the Faith”.
Rallied with the re-emergence of Russell’s snakey Molko stylised vocals “Keeping The Faith” taps down upon a pop noir backdrop of sweeping synths pin-pricked with a blackish euphoria of dance beats stabbing at it’s rhythmic underbelly.
A track that cuts both ways in dark / light appearance, “Keeping The Faith” walks the line of dark thoughts into the light of hope guided by the emotive energy amassed out of the synth driven engineering of Dreamtrak.