Ivri has also teamed up with Offer Nissim and put a club stamp on Cyndi Lauper classic called "Boys Just Want To Have Fun". I must say, it's quite good. I wasn't expecting much actually, but I'd love to hear this version out and about in the clubs.
You may remember Ivri Lider from my blog on him awhile back covering his very moving and beautiful song and video to "Jesse". It's nice to know that Ivri is still going strong and still staying true to himself. It's nice to have a gay popstar that actually sings about boys so openly. Along with Matt Alber, I think acts like Ivri Lider are making great strides in music – it can't be easy for him and I definitely applaud his devotion. If Ivri ever toured in the UK, I'd be right there in the front row rooting him on.
I've also found this little video of Ivri covering the Ella Fitzgerald song "The Man That I Love" from the movie "Bubble". Just watch it after the jump – it's beautiful.