Three indie artists/EQ Folders have recently been working very hard in the studio in getting some quality remixes out to us and I have to say – I’m bloody impressed.
Darren Hayes new single ‘Me, Myself and I’ was released yesterday in the UK and it comes with an impressive remix and collectibles package that you should be getting your hands on if you are a true blue follower of the legend himself. Not only does the maxi single and iTunes packages have some fun remixes of ‘Me Myself and I’ (I love the version where Darren channels Dead Or Alive) – you are also treated to some new demo songs – including the fantastic ‘Let’s Go’ which sees Darren living out some of his electronic obsessions again. The collectible bit also sees Darren giving us some red and green vinyl just in time for Christmas in which you will probably want to dust off your record player just to give them a spin – perfect stuff too should you want it autographed. Darren honey, if you want to send over an autographed green vinyl record – we’d love you forever 😉 Like we already don’t. LOL.
Robyn continues to wow with her Soulseekerz remix of ‘Handle Me’ which has already been in the shops for a few weeks. This remix makes the pop diddy very danceable and club friendly and it’s probably the reason she’s still in the UK chart’s this week at a respectable Number 18. I can’t go anywhere these days without seeing a Robyn poster plastered up in the tube or on a billboard. Girlfriend has a huge marketing push behind her and I think it’s come just in time. Expect her next single ‘Be Mine’ to explode.
Nelson Clemente has totally shocked us with his stunning Brian Canham electro guitar remix to ‘It’s All My Fault’ in which we see this electronic pop boy go a little Linkin Park on us! When Nelson first told me that he was going to surprise us with this remix, we kinda went "um ok". But after hearing it in HQ yesterday for the first time – we were "something kinda ooh!" and only in the good way! You can hear a clip of the remix over at his MySpace. Nelson continues to churn out quality music adding this mighty fine remix which-could-be-an-ear-perking single to his catalog. If he continues along at this pace, he’ll enough great material to compile a most interesting and quality full-length album!