Finally some news on the She Said Yes front! Yes it’s true, those spunky electro aussies have released their new EP for ‘All My Fault/Plastic’ which you can now download on iTunes UK. Sorry I haven’t bothered to check if it’s available any where else, but if you are hungry for their tunage as much as I am, then ‘check your local listings’ as they say.
To check out why I keep going on about them, check out their tracks on Myspace and if you recall, this is what Darren Hayes said about them on EQ: "She Said Yes is a band that features my fellow Australian friend Tania Doko on vocals and my ex drummer Karl Lewis. Tania was the singer in a pop group in Oz called ‘Bachelor Girl’ but did the old electro transformation and has me under her spell now!"
So what are you waiting for EQs…get downloading now!