by Raj Rudolph
Do Alphabeat ever have a bad fucking day? I mean seriously, if you could bottle the sheer happiness and energy they exude places like London wouldn't be so grim and grey wouldn't it?
I mean seriously, just image if Stine started tweeting about period pains or if Anders started putting up YouTube videos about the current state of the economic climate. Imagine getting a Facebook update from the band bitching about the skyrocketing cost of gasoline. Nope – aint gonna see or hear that in an Alphabeat track are you?!
So here we have a new Alphabeat video. It's very Brady Bunch and sees the band return to form to the insanely postive good vibrations that made them famous the first go round. I like it – however the next time I'm in Denmark, I'm going to infiltrate Alphabeat HQ and try to find the happy potion they are drinking…the world needs more of this kinda happy-go-lucky postivity and enthusiasm.
PS – Troels from the band did say they would sue me if I put this online before 11am UK Time, but something really tells me they actually wouldn't sue me though – they are far too polite to do that…