By Mandy Rogers
Spunky purveyor of bitch pop, Velvet Code’s rather flighty
song “Get Outta My House”, that has been circling our radar for the past few
months has landed a video and woo its rather an outlandish and off-the-wall
The pastel coloured and diamond clustered world of Barbie turns a shade gnarly as
Barbie girl unleashes her diva side. Oh
my it’s nasty I say …… N.A.S.T.Y! The
domestic lifestyle does NOT agree with high flyer Barbie, she requires to be a
pampered woman. Ken’s demands of her shaking him a cocktail and offering her a
gift of a supermarket bought bunch of daffs just do not measure up for Babs.
As will out in toy town. Barbie shows the upper hand or in
this case the upper arm but what of Ken? what does he loose? Well that would
be telling! So watch it and get freaked out by these boggled eyed creations.