By Mandy Rogers
What goes “Tchê techerere tchê tchê, Tchê techerere tchê
tchê, Tchê techerere tchê tchê, Tchê techerere tchê tchê”. Well if you have happened to have been
practically anywhere around Europe over the most part of this year, then you’ll
most probably have encountered it and know exactly to what we are referring,
but those that have not been swept up by it yet, let me tell you it’s set to
arrive with us in the UK, in a quick minute.
Bearer of Europe’s summer sensation is by way of a young
Brazilian lad called Gusttavo Lima and regardless that it’s sung in his native
tongue it’s quite caught on, as they say.
To be honest with you I don’t think there’s been such a fun fantastic
song as this since Los Del Rio’s –
“Macarena”, (well at least I can be counted as liking it!)
I am not saying Gusttavo is anything like those mature
crooners of Los Del Rio, but he’s definitely cute, has a smoulder of Ricky
Martin about him and is adored by his home crowd in Justin Bieber like proportions.
Without further adieu here’s the tune Europe has gone dias
felices crazy for “Balada”. I can already foresee the conga lines assembling at the
pre-christmas parties, with merry partygoers slurring “Tchê techerere tchê tchê” .
I feel it’s a cert to happen.
Should that not be electro enough for you, then it also
comes with a full package of electro injected remixes, I’m particularly
thinking that the Axento remix is sounding rather Swedish House Mafia electro
Enjoy it and have fun won’t you getting your tongues around “Tchê techerere tchê tchê, Tchê techerere tchê
tchê, Tchê techerere tchê tchê, Tchê techerere tchê tchê”……………..