Well hello EQs – You are probably sick of me going on and on about our EQ club and showcase nights – especially if you don't live in London – but as you would expect, I am going to plug tomorrow night's show because, well, it's gonna be a good one. I know some of you are already on your way to Glastonbury right now, but for those of you who staying around for the weekend – why not come and get down with us and discover some piping hot new electro-pop talent…that and you get to hear me DJ for the first time (yikes).
Here are some bits about the show and this month's performers…
- Dolly Rockers just did a most excellent interview with MuuMuse that you should check out now. EQ is one of the first stops on their UK tour, so if you're curious about the new British girl-group that everyone is talking about – perhaps you should come and get Dolly Rocked with us.
- We have an exclusive MaJiKer signed CD competition running in the EQ Facebook group right now. To enter, you have to be a member of the group (obviously). You may also want to join MaJiKer's official Facebook Group if you haven't already done so too…
- State City Disco have a great new video on YouTube which you should check out – it kinda serves as a little appetizer into the new tracks they'll be performing at EQ tomorrow.
- Madison will be surprising us as per usual…his setlist included "Hide And Seek"...could it be a tribute to Imogen Heap perhaps?
- I think the surprise of the night is going to be Ky Ismet. I've previewed his set and it's LUSH. All the record companies in attendance should be perking up their ears when Ky goes on…something tells me we are going to be pleasantly, ahem, blown away…
- And can I say, how exciting will it be to see Dean Lennon debut his new stuff at EQ?! I might have palpatations when he sings "See Through", "On The Floor" and a new track that none of us has heard yet! How very!
- Waterson's set is going to be fun too – I am way excited to see what the mad hatter is going to wear actually and I personally can't wait to hear him sing "Boys On The Dancefloor"...
- I saw ElectraCute perform last week at Popshow and they were lots of fun and high voltage. I only now got the joke of the meaning of their song "C U Next Tuesday" – ohhh, so cheeky.
- And Tenek – I'm really looking forward to seeing them live for the first time. I've been a fan for quite awhile now and you really should all go out and buy their album – it's an electro fantasia!