I will be the first to tell you that when it comes to covers, I will be the first to frown and walk away. I’ve said it more times than I can count, you get no sense of an artist when they do a cover. Unless…they stick to a genre they do well.
Case in point – Boston native, NYC based Sariah’s latest single ‘This Is What You Came For’ (Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna Cover).
Now, I’ll be honest. I am the first to hate on a cover because of my true devotion to an original track. Yet, for Sariah, this is kind of a new approach, and I’ll be the first to say…it has me quite intrigued. The covers are not meant to be what “makes” her, but to pique the interest of the audience to listen to her originals. By taking Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna’s ‘This Is What You Came For’, a song in which is a very similar sound to what she has dabbled in prior, she opens the door to a wider audience. This serves as a great re-introduction to a younger crowd. The vocals are SO much cleaner than the original.
You hear potential and vibrancy behind Sariah’s voice, untainted by computers. Another bright spot on this cover in particular is that you hear clearer instrumentation. You can parse out the little plucking of the guitars and the keys with just a little electronic highlight on the chorus. The EDM element becomes more of a spice to a great dance track recipe than an overwhelming ingredient. The only downside to this cover is that it’s only a taste of what Sariah is made of.
Having heard this cover, I had to take a look at her original tracks. I was in fact more blown away by her originals! Look, I’m not giving a negative to the cover, but if this allows people to see the true majesty behind a young artist, then go for it! Song like ‘Cold Blooded’ and ‘Dirty Fun’ really bring home a true pop sound that would fit perfect in the collection of any Demi Lovato or Nicole Scherzinger maybe even a kiss of Ke$hafan’s collection! I’ve attached ‘Cold Blooded’ below as well.
Just listen for yourself.