Guest Blogger Jackson from NightBus has taken over EQ today in celebration of their FREE show tonight at EQ Live with the fantastic Bright Light Bright Light. If you fancy coming on down to Shoreditch at 8pm for a night of hot new electronic pop music discovery at EQ Live, then you can get all the details about tonight on the Facebook invite right here! Hopefully we'll see you there! But for now, we'll hand it over to Jackson for his funny guest blog which includes a FREE NightBus mix-tape and a few vids of the band…over to you Jackson…
When I was a child, my 3rd grade teacher made me stand up in front of the class and tell everyone what I wanted to be when i grew up. The kid before me, Billy Campbell, discussed his desires to be a professional cowboy whilethe girl just after me revealed she wanted to enter the convent and become a nun. Can't get nun, don't need nun, don't want nun. That's what I always say. Anyway, when it was my turn to get up and tell the class what i wantedto be I held up a picture of our beloved Klaus Nomi and declared "I wanna be my DAD." I was sent home from school and asked not to return for three days. My family was placed on an FBI surveillance list and all my colored crayons were revoked. Bummer. Nobody got the joke back then and here I am years later dressing up in drag and lip syncing "Lady In Red". Is anyone getting the joke yet? Here's a link to one of our favorite Klaus Nomi tracks…
Go get your hands on the FREE NightBus Electric Unicorn Mixtape after the jump…and to discover the funtastic sounds of NightBus for yourself, make sure to visit their MySpace page.
Download the NightBus Electric Unicorn Mixtape.
Intro – Luke, I Am Your Father
1. Metallica – One (I Have No Arms And Legs DANCE Remix)
2. Eddie Kendricks – Girl You Need A Change of mind
3. Fleetwood Mac – Dreams
4. Chevy Chase on Vacation
5. Black Swan – Tonight
6. Chevy Chase on Vacation
7. Black Swan – tonight
8. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Fortunate Son
9. Super Mario Ghetto
10. New pollution – Start – Taxman Meddley
11. The Zombies – Time of the season
12. Beck – Beercan
13. The King Khan and BBQ Show – I Love You So
14. The Weather in Los Amgeles is 72 Degrees
15. Santa Cruz – Don't Know Who The Artist Is