
by Raj Rudolph / photo by Elvis Di Fazio

Our Aussie buddies Garçon Garçon have graciously given us an exclusive preview of their new track "Maybe Tonight" which will appear on their upcoming EP.  Take a listen below, I think you'll find it's just as glorious and beautifully poptastic as you would expect from the boys. 

Maybe Tonight (EP Preview) by garcongarcon

I asked the boys to share their thoughts around "Maybe Tonight" and this is what they had to say…

NATHAN: This is our teenage love song for the high school prom. It’s all about that niave romantic idea of meeting ‘the one’ in a random, beautiful way. Like bumping into someone on the street, at the Laundromat or when you go out. I was a stranger in a new city when I moved to Sydney and I was listening to Yeah Yeah Yeahs a LOT, especially "Maps" and I was inspired to write a call to action for love! This was also one of the first songs we ever worked on together when we met in 2010. It started out as a guitar demo like "Take Me Out" and then Nick took it and made it into this amazing song. It was like someone finishing a sentence for you. They know what you’re thinking and what should come next. When I first heard it was exactly as I had always imagined it. But Better.

NICK: For me, "Maybe Tonight" is like the ideal daydream for single guys and girls – Its that dorky flash forward you have when you meet someone you're really keen on. You know, the one where you imagine yourself running towards them in slow motion on a beach or eating ice cream whilst sitting on a ferris wheel…Its totally naff, but it happens! I think this song really gels with the nostalgic vibe of the EP. We really wanted to capture the feeling of being children of the 80s and 90s – happy, hopeful, ambitious, and ready to take on the world.