I have to tell you a little story here. This track isn’t that new. In fact the spanish version of “Lose Control” (“Perder Control”) has been on Monti Montanez’s MySpace for a few months now and to it’s credit – the spanish version is probably THE most catchiest track of 2010. I’m not joking either – I listen to it like five times a day. Then just yesteday I tweeted Monti and told him that he should record an english verison of the track for all us non-Spanish speaking types and to my astonishment – he sent it to me within minutes! And can I tell you EQs – The ENGLISH version totally made my day.
“Lose Control” will definitley go in my top 10 tracks of 2010 without a doubt. Not because it’s like “the best pop song ever made” or anything, but more or less because his use of a Speak N Spell is just absolute pop genius. “Lose Control” has the same feel-good factor that you got the first time you heard, for example, “Livin La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin…I can guarantee you that you’ll listen to this song on repeat more than just a few times. In fact, I dare you not to…
ARE YOU READY? READY! Here you go EQ’s – here is the world exclusive premiere of “Lose Control” by Monti Montanez. Who if you don’t know who he is yet – really, you should be ashamed of yourself. And you call yourself a pop lover?! Make sure to check out Monti’s NOH8 pic too after the jump.