Strike me down in cuteness first, ahh Das Kitten sounds rather purdy and cuddlesome doesn’t it? and whose to say that these kitties aren’t every bit so. Infact, they don’t appear before me as shabby tabbies, I think when it comes to a night out in the company of these two entertaining kitties they’d quite fit it out as glamour pusses on the quiet you know.
But wait up a minute, this whole kitty pop thing may have begun over a year ago with a couple of quirky cat powered odes of all out feline meow-sic wackiness of wit and pussy galorious banter, but it has moved on from the playful jocular level of lyrics as in a chorus of “meow, meow, meow, meow” and evolved into something a lot more broadening and synth pop appealing.
The duo have just unveiled a pop propelling gem of new tune called “I Would”, which does seem to be a little bit different for them, in that it’s kinda mellow, but upbeat, not overtly sequenced fussy but shows clean lines of synthiness and still holds a glint of humour in it’s lyrical content, but not at such a wham of the bawdy that it turns into a great ball of comedy cheese. I score this as Das Kitten’s cat’s whiskers of purrrfect synth pop making and it just makes me think this is the sound they should maybe continue to grow with. If it would be so, I would be purrfectly happy to listen to some more of it.