I last championed a New Zealand newcomer four years ago. Their name was, Lorde. I think it’s high time for another Kiwi act to impress me just as much. So Below is the artist name of Aucklander Madeline North, she’s been making tracks for a couple of years and released her self-titled debut EP last year. The style in which So Below works can be best described as alternative electronic pop.
I have acquainted myself, with So Below’s earlier work and I detect haunting soundscapes, intoxicating melodies and altruistically feed beat-making are at the heart of music. These are tracks which walk a line between darkness and light going forward into a realm of shimmery enlightenment. I can hear that I’ve been missing out on an emerging act with great potential. Well, no more, (this is how much I am in rapture with this New Zealand newcomer) I’m linking myself up with all of So Below’s social media accounts as I type.
As the artistry develops so does the sound with “Ruin“, the current single. This time, the track is driven by a danceable beat but, is no less haunting. Put a Robert Miles, disco donk remix on any Kate Bush track we’ll all be hearing what I hear when I listen to this.
The video is moody with a sense of mystery running through it, which I like. I don’t mind faces that are obscured by blindfolds or masks in this or any other music video. Press photos are a different matter though. Thank you So Below for letting us see your lovely face.
Connect with So Below
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sobelowsound
Twitter: @sobelowsound
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sobelowsound/