Taking inspiration from Imogen Heap's video blogs for the making of "Ellipse", Darren Hayes has decided to to do the same and document the process of making his next album which is due out in 2010. I watched this last night, but got caught up in the whole Big Brother Rodigro / Charlie fake camera snog fiasco and then was just too tired to blog about it and went to bed instead. I'm sure you've seen this video blog anyways by now, but as you would expect, your good ol faithful EQ and big ol Darren Hayes fan has some thoughts on it…
- Darren looks quite happy now that Justin is visiting from Australia. I know for a fact that Darren has been a bit down in the dumps about Justin's move to Australia (as well as myself), but now that they are re-united, Darren is bursting with fruit flavour isn't he! Queue cheesy Peaches & Herb song…
- The hair! It's very "Spin" isn't it?
- Darren isn't working with Cascada…well thank fucking god for that…
Darren Hayes also hit the UK press on Wednesday with his thoughts on the media's dumbing down of homosexuality…which sparked an onslaught of heated comments – make sure you read them. Here are some choice quotes from the article…
"Being gay is somehow an indulgent choice? It infuriates me. You're
either Graham Norton or George Michael getting arrested in parks and
I'm neither of those things."
"I think it (Will & Grace) appeals to the lowest common denominator that basically
there are two types of gay men, the slut, or there's the straight
acting guy."
And finally, if I may make a suggestion to Team Darren…
Darren needs to do a few more small intimate showcases towards the end of the year in build up to the big New Years Eve bash doesn't he? Think Soho Revue Bar residency, but in a cool Hoxton Square environment (hint hint)…Two reasons…really.
First reason – some of us have plans on New Years eve already and can't make the show. Yes, I'm selfishly talking about myself here. And reason two, well one show a year just isn't enough for us die-hard fans. We need loads of reasons to drop good money on big nights in with Darren and new music…
Think about it. Not only should we start a petition to get Justin on Twitter, but we should also start a petition to have Darren play a few early showcases in advance to New Years Eve…Are you with me EQs?!