Something is smelling wholesomely good, fresh on the new bake from the ovens of Paris by way of New York and L.A.
The bringer of such delectable treats of ear popping candy and hearty comforting nourishment lay at the table of French singer Cocovan.
This shiny bobbed Parisian lovely is tres magnifique in a style of her own making, which is moreover, sparkling and synth gorgeousness personified in an Ellie Goulding meets Robyn pop bubble of definition.
Prepare to be won over by Cocovan’s intoxicating heavenly tune making when you look and listen on one of her first tunes to hit the web “Roosevelt Hotel”.
If this dainty slice of candied harmony is anything to go by, I think with a few more tunes like this, she may well steal us away in the same row boat of synth pop love as Lights and Ellie Goulding.
Claim your FREE DOWNLOAD of “Roosevelt Hotel” from the soundcloud below upon exiting the endearingly charming introductory video presentation.