Hello EQs. It’s the weekend and here at EQHQ we’ve been doing lots of stuff that we normally don’t have time to do like organizing our sock drawer, taking the cat to the vet for a checkup and getting rid of all the plastic-y badness of jewel cases from our CD collection. Believe me, that was a chore. Seven industrial size bags of jewel cases and dust went to recycle bin heaven and now our CD collection fits nicely on two shelves rather than an entire closet. I highly suggest everyone go through this painful exercise. You won’t believe how much room CDs can take up! Oh, and we finally got our AppleTV back up and running. You would have to be a techical genius like ourselves (yeah right) to figure out how to make it work after upgrading it to Leopard.
Last night Gerilicious and I went to see ‘Sweeny Todd’ at the picture house and it was ok. I didn’t think it was great, but it was entertaining and innovative. I find it a bit strange to like a character who slits people’s throats and then cohorts with a strange woman baker to make meat pies out of them. Call me old-fashioned. The acting and singing was all good, but seeing that movie once was good enough for moi. I’m more excited to see ‘Juno’ to tell you the truth.
But enough of that, on with this week’s rants…
- So we got sent a promo single for this Ukrainian duo who prance around in nothing but their thongs called The Power Lords and they are touting their new dance single called ‘Lords Of The String’ which is somewhat fun and catchy. Think O-Zone meets The Shamen with a little blend of The KLF thrown in. Click here to have a wee listen!
- Last week’s London’s Boyz magazine was quite good. They interviewed both Robyn and Sia and that was probably only the second or third time I’ve read more than just a few pages of the gay rag. Ususally I just flip through the pages and look at all the semi-naked boys and to glance at what hot new club that is opening up that will most likely close in a months time. But last week’s rag was pretty good overall. Check it out here. Warning : You might see a male willy or three…actually we would like to see pictures of Robyn’s muscley cage fighting boyfriend…
- We mentioned this yesterday, but the music blog Retro Remixes is great. It’s like doing the time warp back to the 80s when pop music was so fucking good. Make sure you go check them out too.
- You know, everyone is talking about the new crop of female chanteuses like Adele, Duffy and Anouk these days. But you know what, they aint half as good as Sylvia Powell whom we have been championing for over two years now. Sylvia has just finished up her album artwork and a huge promotional push will start to begin for her very soon. EQ wants you to remember this name – she’ll be a big part of the blog as we creep up to her album release and make sure you listen to her haunting song ‘Endless’ in the Music On The Verge Section.
- Darren Hayes unveils his new video to ‘Casey’ TONIGHT at 8pm UK Time on his website. How exciting – it’s been in the making for 4 months and we hear it’s inspiration was The Atari video game console and the movie ‘Innerspace’. We’ll be waiting with baited breath!
- So ‘Rent Remixed’ in London with Siobhan Donaghy officially closes on 2nd February. No huge surprise there. I am just hoping that Siobhan goes back to her brilliant music after this and starts to promote ‘Ghosts’ more. We are dying for a music video to ‘Medevac’.
- So Valeria..she is starting to unveil some of her new tracks from her new album out in April and we were hoping that they would be on the electro-tip, but some of them I’ve heard just sound a little too tweeny and Shakira for our tastes. I’ll reserve final judgement on the final product, but you can take a little listen to them on her MySpace page if you are interested. ‘Bubblegum’ and ‘Lights Camera Action’ have potential…
- And finally we leave you with t.A.T.u.’s latest video to ‘Beily Plaschik’ (‘White Robe’). We found a really-great subtitled version to the controversial video which you can see below. We’ve been obsessed with a lot of Russian pop lately and if you haven’t seen this video yet, it’s kinda eerie to say the least…