Hello EQs! Well we told you we were planning a little nip/tuck of EQ and here it is! We have been wanting to go to this blue/black/white/purple style for awhile as it has always caught our eye in many ways and it sort falls in line with our personal website (which we haven’t updated in a LONG time) and our Myspace page. We also have a favourite t-shirt that is in this style as well so, all-in-all, we are pleased with it. However, we do know that redesigning things always has it’s niggles, so if you notice anything funny like text displaying wrong, cell padding not being up to par, words ms. pelled, etc…just let us know! Help us keep EQ a nice clean place to read (unlike our bathroom…)
And – did you notice the new additions to the EQ fold in the banner? Give a cheer and a holla to new editions BWO, Sergey Lazarev, Nelson Clemente, State City Disco, Tiffany and Temposhark! They have really stood out in the last few months as artists we are excited about and it was time to add them into the fold. Will one of them come out EQ of the Year 07 in January? Who knows?! We also said some artists were saying goodbye, but like long term lovers, saying goodbye is sometimes too hard, so we decided to keep em…they still have 6 more months to wow us, so game on!
And finally to commemorate the nip/tuck and the new EQ Fold, here’s a mini-rant for ya!
- Robyn is Number 3 on the iTunes Download Chart today – Yay! I smell a number one!
- Dragonette didn’t chart with ‘Take It Like A Man’…What! Maybe we are wrong, but I want all EQ readers to go out and download it or buy it in nice lovable CD format from the shops! The UK Chart really doesn’t matter in our opinions, but we are making an exception – buy it now or EQ will get pissy!
- Paul Zapping announces today that Digital have broken up and is offering up their album sampler for free. As much as we want to comment here, we won’t as last time we did, we got some hate mail from a (quite obvious) blogger in disguise. It wasn’t Paul either – he’s far too lovely. But email us if you even care to know what our two pence are on the matter…
- Young Love is touring with Erasure in the states – that’s hella cool. We finally got our physical copy of ‘Too Young To Fight It’ and we are loving it. We highly suggest you go grab a copy as well.