
Hello EQs – it’s Raj here and I am back from my little holiday in Sicily.  I had a wonderful time with Geri learning all about his life before he moved to London.  While in Sicily, I also had a few musical realisations…

  • The music of Nelson Clemente and Antigone sound REALLY good on long drives in the countryside.
  • Techno music sounds so out-of-date now.  Why do they still play it in dodgy bars?
  • Electronic music still takes awhile for non-music types to get used to.  Sooner a later, they succumb to it’s brilliance and fall under it’s trance.
  • Don’t ever go on holiday a week before Darren Hayes releases a record.
  • Madonna can put any argument at ease.  Argument ensues, turn on Madonna.

So I am really looking forward to getting back to blogging regularly on EQ.  Tomorrow I will be writing up my review on the first half of Darren’s new record as well as going on down to G-A-Y to check out the album launch.  You’ll probably start to think EQ will be turning into a Darren Hayes fansite over the next week or so, but honestly, we can’t do much about that 😉  ‘This Delicate Thing We’ve Made’ is a phenomenal piece of work and you will get so sick of hearing about it on here that you will have no choice but to go out and buy the record next week.

And a little side note – Geri proposed to me yesterday in Sicily and I said ‘yes’.