Now this really is an incendiary piece of pop perfection from BAKER and one, which has been massively burning up our minds in excitement here at EQ from when it leapt to our attention a few weeks ago.

Infact, here’s a little admission: I felt not an inch of guilt playing out in full, the “Not Gonna Wait EP” from which “Overload” forms part of, on a marathon play of more than ten complete simultaneous loops on the day I purchased it and I can tell you it’s been brightening up every day since as well.  Am I overloading on BAKER ?……. no way!  the complete EP has the power of catchiness to will you to do this!

Where does BAKER go for the video to this? he goes to the movies for inspiration and takes a little from “Fight Club”.  There’s battle scars of bruising and fists pumping brick walls, but victory comes in this throbbing club juggernaut of mega proportions that is worthy of super jam status.

Can I mention that BAKER looks ruggedly delish in this, kinda like the ruffed up delish portrayed by Enrique in “Hero”.